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Throwback Tuesday Take Two

As the quest to trawl through, and learn absolutely nothing from, Defectors history continues, here are some prospective candidates for expansion from September 2002. I apologize to any of these fine young men below if the email addresses are still valid but...come on. And for what it's worth, Hinske did win the AL ROY. One parting question: does a sock puppet count as an 'S'?


Desired Team Name : New York Giants

e-mail :

Favorites (teams players etc...) : Louis Gonzalez Chris Reitsma Giants - Cubs - Mets

Why do you want to be a Defector? : "I want to be in a good fantasy league with managers I know will show up and do their job. I also think it's a great idea with the continious seasons and stats and other stuff. I want to be part of this group like its a real league."

Hitter or pitcher Dominant? and why? : Pitching - "pitching wins championships" theory

Rookie of the Year in 2002? : Adam Dunn (ROY ? was modified)

Team Logo : Old school NYG logo

Experience and Region of the country : 4 yrs fantasy Baseball Northeast New York


Desired Team Name : Alaskan Assassians

e-mail :

Favorites (teams players etc...) : Chipper Jones Alanta Braves

Why do you want to be a Defector? : "I want to be a defector because you seem like your very own manager. "

Hitter or pitcher Dominant? and why? : Pitching Based - Pitchers are few and far between

Rookie of the Year in 2002? : (applied prior to ROY ?)

Team Logo : bat with icicles hanging

Experience and Region of the country : 2 yrs New Jersey (formerly Alaska)


Desired Team Name : wizards

e-mail :

Favorites (teams players etc...) : Indians, Manny Rameriz -sweet hitter- and thank god for randy johnson to beat the yankee`s (all money, all star team) (people actually cheer for them?)

Why do you want to be a Defector? : I want to be in a league where all the owners are active and intelligent because i have never seen it yet, and a league with a farm system and minor league system so i can distance myself from the rest, and i hope you can offer that without knowing all yo

Hitter or pitcher Dominant? and why? : Of course hitter dominant because you know what your getting with accomplished hitters and 90 percent of the pitchers you can wish in one hand and give your money away with the other.

Rookie of the Year in 2002? : i`ll take carlos pena

Team Logo : what`s a sage look like?

Experience and Region of the country : i`ve played for several years and haven`t had much competition in the local league`s and have entered 5 national leagues with a first, second, and have never finished below fourth in anything, ever


Desired Team Name : shupurrs

e-mail :

Favorites (teams players etc...) : seattle mariners... joel pineiro, ryan anderson, freddy garcia, etc. im pretty much a fan of the game, and young talent.

Why do you want to be a Defector? : i have been shopping for a competitive keeper league for almost 2 years now, and this league is the most appealing to me. i love you guys!

Hitter or pitcher Dominant? and why? : i tend to stray towards a balance.. but, generally hitters provide you with more fantasy points so i'll go for them first.

Rookie of the Year in 2002? : eric hinske

Team Logo : it would have to have an S in it

Experience and Region of the country : i've been diong fantasy baseball for 4 years straight now, almost always finishing in at least 2nd place. i live in arlington , VA.


Desired Team Name : Ken Hrbek's #1 fan

e-mail :

Favorites (teams players etc...) : Team-Cubs, Indians Players- Sosa, Wood, Prior, Clement, Rickey Henderson, Clemens, Hundley, Burrell, Schilling, Shawn Green

Why do you want to be a Defector? : I want to kick Nick's ass

Hitter or pitcher Dominant? and why? : Pitcher- good pitching beats good hitting anyday

Rookie of the Year in 2002? : N-Prior, A- Hinske

Team Logo : 80's Twins (state of Minn w/ twins shaking hands)

Experience and Region of the country : Baseball weekly post season challenge 96- 3rd overall ( cash prize) Yahoo public league 99- 1st place (only had 1 team) Yahoo public league 00- 1st place, 3rd place (2 teams) Yahoo public league 01- 2nd place Yahoo winners league 01- 1st place Ya

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